Movie deja vu review
Movie deja vu review

movie deja vu review

Carlin investigates when a terrorist bomb blows up a New Orleans ferry, killing more than 500 people. Denzel Washington-who has logged so many hours playing various police officials and detectives that he must surely qualify for an honorary position on the force-plays ATF agent Doug Carlin. Not to mention that its sci-fi device, borrowed from earlier time-travel stories, has very little to do with déjà vu. Unfortunately, Tony Scott's new film isn't as concerned with cooking up new innovations as it is in finding a new way to sell the same old chase story. That's not exactly the true definition of the term "déjà vu," which is actually "the experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred before," but it's a little tease, suggesting just how far a good movie could really go using this phenomenon. The clip suddenly rewinds, goes back and starts again.

movie deja vu review

IF YOU PAY careful attention, you'll notice the little hiccup during producer Jerry Bruckheimer's logo-the one with the lightning storm over the lonely road-at the head of Déjà Vu.

Movie deja vu review